Maria Savva is one of those amazing Indie authors, who just keeps going. She is already the author of nine books and a lawyer by profession who followed her dream to become an author.I met her last year when I was promoting my first book. Here Maria talks a little more about her new release, Delusion and Dreams, a short story collection.
Delusions and Dreams by Maria Savva |
1. Who will like (or need) this book? Why?
Anyone who likes short stories will like Delusion and Dreams, and those who thought they didn't like short stories will also like it! Or so I have been told. At least two people have told me that after reading my short stories they have been seeking out more short stories to read, when in the past they may have avoided reading them. That makes me very happy because I've always loved the short story form and it is often neglected in favour of longer works.
2. What have readers most enjoyed in your book so far?
From the feedback, many readers have enjoyed the fact that two of the stories have more than one part. Delusions and Dreams, the short story, is told in four parts; and Friends and Neighbours is told in two parts. The different parts of the stories examine different characters' perspectives. This helps to show that sometimes people have reasons/motives for doing things that other people may be unaware of or judge incorrectly.
3. What do you hope your readers will get out of this book?
I hope they'll be entertained by the stories, but I also hope the stories will make them stop and think a bit about the reasons why people may behave in a certain way.
4. Are any of the characters like you or someone you know?
The characters in my stories are always inspired by people I have known, or by my own life experiences, whether consciously or subconsciously. Some of the characters are like me, some are like people I have met or heard about. Most are a combination of those elements
5. How can we find out more about you and your books?
I have a website that lists all my books; there are also excerpts, book trailers, and links to my social networking sites and blog.
Maria Savva lives and works in London. She is a lawyer, although not currently practising law. She writes novels and short stories in different genres, including drama, psychological thriller, and family saga. Her books and stories are inspired by life and the people she meets.
Laxmi Hariharan is a content branding strateguist and a writer of epic fantasy. More at LAXMIwrites
Laxmi Hariharan is a content branding strateguist and a writer of epic fantasy. More at LAXMIwrites